Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gloves and gauntlets - how the fuck do they work?

My friend has been on a gauntlet kick and she demanded asked me to get started on a pair for her. I’ve been looking them up and playing around with ideas. I really like the handflower like ones; they seem a lot easier.

Things like gloves are a little trickier seeming though. With a handflower you can make a ring or add a chain around one finger to keep it in place. But with a glove, you can’t do that, because it goes all the way across the knuckles. Well, not up to the knuckles, but you know what I mean. Throwing a chain or an elastic around the fingers the same way you would with a handflower would just look horrible.

It seems the best thing to do is to make it so that there’s a front and a back, with a gap for the thumb. I’m not too sure I like how that looks. Having a big fat gap in the design looks kind of silly to me, even when it’s on.

I think the best best thing would be to stitch it to some kind of cloth. That way the part against the palm isn’t cumbersome like the rings would be. But my sewing skills are sub-par at best. xD;

….bah, for now I’ll go with the handflower. I’ll just badger my friend into helping me brainstorm ideas later. :P

Cross posted from tumblr - also I have no clue what the code is on cross posting things but since no one is reading this, it doesn't matter. 8D

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